Flash fiction and Athens street photography

Athens street photography as writing prompt,  city prose haiku  you can read in a flash

What is flash fiction?
Flash fiction is a storytelling form defined primarily by length - although even there, you'll find no real consensus. Ideally, flash fiction should convey a story: the reader should have a sense that events have happened and left the characters changed in some way. However, because these pieces are so short, many elements of the narrative may be revealed through implication or suggestion. Flash fiction often draws on familiar references and cultural memory to bring more information to the story than what's actually stated. This form of storytelling is intense, with lots of meaning packed into a handful of characters.

Flash fiction is a relatively recent form of creative writing, and it's perfect for our low attention span society. It can be written and read in minutes or seconds - though ideally it relates a story that's more than the sum of its carefully selected words. 
It can be combined with new communication tools like Twitter to inject stories into our everyday lives.

This creative writing style has a brevity. A prose haiku form where a complete work can be written even in a few minutes is perfect for me. And in this article, I discuss flash fiction and provide examples and creative writing prompts in street photography, especially in the city of Athens. I am not a street photographer, but i know many of them. They upload their photos at Instagram or flickr.  I really appreciate their job and i often feel ready to write a sort story about. For me, It is like filling a gap. 


  1. I am wondering whether a piece of flash fiction can trigger emotions together with the information flow that it can provide. That is, could it give tips that get the reader's imagination span memories, passions, enthusiasm and great wishes? If the answer is yes, then apart from a story telling tool it can become an efficient communication tool to connect people's characters. This is the big difference between the two afore mentioned senses; the communication only for information is something very interesting but of not big duration - the communication is assumed completes as long as the flash fiction information has reached its destination. The communication to express emotions and feelings though, is something that makes the beginning rather than the completion of two persons' communication. And, considering what the writer is telling us in another flash fiction story of this exciting blog, "In the beginning is action, are not words", any beginning can compose the commencement of eagerness and excitement of great dreamful eras !


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