Κουράστηκε. Αιώνες … ορθοστασίας! Έλυσε τον ιερό κόμβο. Έβγαλε το κόκκινο κραγιόν κι έβαλε κάτι πρόχειρο. Βγήκε από την τοιχογραφία. Κάθησε λίγο να ξεκουραστεί. Ακούμπησε στην ώχρα της Κνωσσού. Γύρισε το βλέμμα κι αντίκρυσε τον ουρανό της Αθήνας. Τον ήλιο της, που μιλάει μια γλώσσα φτιαγμένη μόνο από επίθετα. Του χαμογέλασε. Τον άφησε να εισχωρήσει μέσα της. Φλογερός εραστής! Τη ζωντάνεψε με τα χάδια του. Την ελευθέρωσε. Ορκίστηκε, όμως, να γυρνάει με τη λιακάδα στον ιερό της τοίχο και να ακουμπάει για λίγο εκεί. Μια “Παριζιάνα” στ᾽ Αναφιώτικα.

Grew weary. Centuries of standing! Loosened the sacred knot. Removed the red lipstick and slipped into something casual. Stepped out of the wall painting and sat down to rest for a while. Leaned against the ochre of Knossos. Turned around and faced the Athens sky. her sun, speaking a language solely composed of adjectives. She smiled at him. Let him penetrate her being. Such a fiery lover! Revived her with his touch. Set her free. She rowed, through, to return upon sunshine to the sacred wall and lean against it for a while. A “Parisienne” in the Anafiotika neighbourhood.


  1. I find all the objects of this snap tale as being clear symbols of an alluring summer landscape, centered around the out of this world Parisienne. The fabulous lady who deserves to understand a language of only adjectives. I would assume adjectives unique only such as those of beautiful, fascinating, attractive, interesting, adventurous, remarkable, stimulating…

    And out of that short, but quickly topping story, the reader is fascinated when the two main symbols (the shine of the life giving sun and the beauty of inspiration giving Parisienne) become one while the former penetrates to the innermost being of the latter. The personalisation of the natural harmony to its full extent !

    The writer and the tale hero have done a great job in such a short tale.

    The Full Moon Visionary


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